The Wickedly Beautiful
Early Chapter Books, Art Gallery & Gift Shop
Mirian Martinez
Creative Author, Fine Artist & Multi-media Designer
Visit my Instagram
Author: Early chapter books
"Roses in a Field of Corn"
"A Day For The Dead"
"The Wickedly Beautiful Series"
Artist: Illustrator, Painter,
Graphic Designer
Coming Soon:
The Wickedly Beautiful
Early Chapter Book Series
* Monarchs
* Royal Leaders
* Trio Castles
*Trio Castles, The Walls
*Trio Castles, A Maze of Walls
* The Diamond Eye
* Gods From A Heaven
* The New World
Books are available on these sites for purchase
"Click below"
My Journey
Ever since I was a child, I've loved creative arts. I enjoy reading and writing books, most especially science fiction literature written to entertain, teach and inspire kids of all ages. Creating visual art and writing stories is my zen. My ultimate goal as a creative person is to see my stories as motion pictures for cinema.
After graduating from a private art institute for graphic design, (the art for marketing) and animation movies, Brooks College. I wanted to create my own movies. I knew this was a challenging journey because to create great movies, I knew I had to have great stories.
I kept the stories I valued the most. Stories shared by people I have met through out my life, friends and family. But most importantly I kept my own experiences, my own stories.
I love my parent's stories about my family history. I learned the traditions that are best left in the past and enjoy sharing the ones that will contribute to a peaceful future.
I enjoy learning the old world traditions and how we continue to evolve towards the future. An example would be the Aztec sport game that is very much like soccer today.
I love traveling and learning new environments for inspiration. I hope to travel more often, meet new people and continue towards my destined journey.
You are welcomed to visit my social media sites listed below and my blog page. Thank you very much for visiting my website and I hope you enjoy reading.
-Mirian Martinez